Workflow Template - The Ultimate Cart Abandoner

This article provides guidelines on how to add & set up one of Justuno's most popular use cases.

At a glance:

What is The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow?
Before You Go Live

Last updated: 07/02/2024


What is The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow?

The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow targets all visitors that attempt to leave the website with item(s) in their cart with an incentive to checkout. This workflow is similar to the All Exiting Visitors workflow with the addition of cart contents.

A visitor who has made it this far into their shopping journey exhibits high interest in your products. This last nudge could be all it takes to make or break that sale.

The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow contains only one key frame: 

  1. Incentive (reward)

Click here to access this template. If prompted, make sure you are logged into your Justuno account.


Before You Go Live

Once you've added The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow template to your account, you must update the following before going live:

Update Design

  1. Inside the Workflow Builder, click on the Design step to reveal the design step module. Click Edit to enter the Design Studio.

  2. Inside the Design Studio, you can select any element on the design canvas to reveal a plethora of customization inputs for that specific element. We recommend updating the text copy and the image to reflect your website branding.
  3. Lastly, we need to add our Discount Code. Select the Discount Code element and navigate over to the Settings tab on the right side menu (indicated by gear icon). Here you will find a drop down menu labeled Available Discounts. Search or add the discount you would like to display.

  4. Your Design is all set - Publish the design (top right) and click the back button (top left) to return to the Workflow Builder.

  5. Double check everything, click on Publish then Go Live and you're all set!

Update Enrollment Trigger (optional)

Your enrollment trigger controls the target audience for your workflow. By default, The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow targets:

  • All visitors - exiting the website
  • With a cart subtotal >$0

You can update/modify this by clicking into the Enrollment Trigger step revealing the Workflow Enrollment module.



The Ultimate Cart Abandoner workflow directly correlates with all influenced metrics found within the customer tab in your Justuno Analytics. For a full breakdown of these metrics, click here.