GDPR - Justuno Consent Features

This support article will provide guidelines on how to implement GDPR compliant consent via Justuno.

At a glance:

Cookie Consent Template
Custom Consent Checkbox


Last updated: 06/13/2024



If you are using Justuno on web pages accessed by visitors in the EU, make sure you understand and implement our services in accordance with GDPR Compliance and Regulations.

GDPR compliance is required effective May 25th, 2018. Parties violating regulations by not gaining explicit consent are subject to substantial penalties. See Article 83: General conditions for imposing administrative fines.

Justuno offers two methods to implement GDPR consent on any website that may require it. You can elect to use our Cookie Consent Template or a Custom Consent Checkbox.


Cookie Consent Template

The easiest method to implement GDPR consent is to add Justuno's Cookie Consent for All Visitors Template:

  1. To get started, click here to access the template. If prompted, make sure you are logged into your Justuno account. Click on Use Template.

    Screen Shot 2024-06-13 at 10.02.14 AM
  2. Inside the workflow builder, click on Publish then Go Live and you're all set! 


Custom Consent Checkbox

A consent checkbox can be added into any existing Justuno design:

  1. Within the Justuno Design Studio, open up the new element menu. Underneath Profile Properties, drag and drop the Consent Checkbox into your design canvas.

  2. Select and edit the consent message to your specifications.

  3. Next, select the checkbox and navigate to the settings tab on the right-hand menu. Indicate the consent type and whether the checkbox is a required field.

  4. Make any final adjustments to your design, add it to a workflow, publish and you're all set!


Your email service provider may not be able to track a user's decision to opt-in (or out) with this particular consent checkbox through our standard integration.

However, upon submission, the information that passes from the form to Justuno's Profiles database will include the checkbox value, origin country and IP address. These profiles can be accessed and downloaded from Justuno's Audience section.