Creating & Syncing Lead Capture Designs

This article will cover how to build lead capture pop ups using email and sms form fields, and subscribing these leads to your marketing automation platforms.

Justuno properties & syncing with connected apps

Justuno allows users to create pop ups and other designs that collect contact information, such as email addresses and sms numbers, along with other data from consenting website visitors. Form fields in your design, couple with available zero and first party data, directly populate properties in a visitor's Justuno profile. Once collected via form submission, these leads can be subscribed to your marketing automation apps, and accompanying data synced to corresponding properties in those specified apps via the workflow builder.

 Prerequisites: authenticate your marketing automation apps to your Justuno account (click here to learn more).


Setting up your designs to capture leads

⚡ Before we get started
If you've created a design using one of our templates, all of the following steps in this section have been configured for you. Simply complete any other desired styling and settings and skip to the next section in this article.
    1. If you are creating your own lead capture design from scratch, simply drag and drop an email or mobile number field (under Profile Properties) on to the canvas. From here, you can style the field and adjust the field settings in the gear tab on the upper right of the page, i.e. change the field from required to non, add placeholder text, etc.
    2. Next, drag and drop a button on to the canvas. This button will submit your form, and move visitors to the next desired frame, such as a success frame or another partial form.

3. Within the button settings, set an initial click action to Submit Form. Then, add another click action to link the successful form submission to your success frame. At this time, we provide a default rejection message that cannot be changed.

⚡ Notable note
You can add as many frames as needed to your designs, and set your buttons to go to any frame, and more


4. Once you've configured your form field(s) and button, you can preview your design to ensure the desired flow. Your lead capture design is now ready to be used in a workflow!
Notable Note
Justuno also offers tap-to-text buttons for sms capture, which do not require the same settings or app sync as the form fields. Instead, a button is shown that opens a visitor's messages app and allows them to directly opt in to sms marketing by sending a pre-populated text. To set this up, add the SMS tap to text button from the design elements section, and learn more here.

Subscribing new leads and properties in your workflow

Once you’ve taken the steps above and completed your design to your liking, you can add them to a Justuno workflow to show on your website. This is also where subscription to your marketing automation apps and webhooks will occur.

1. To get started, go to the Experiences section, click “New Workflow”, and choose from a template or build your own from scratch.

2. Once inside the workflow builder, find your desired design step (templates) or drag in a design step from the actions panel on the left (blank workflow). Go to the settings of the design step, and select your desired design.

⚡ Notable note
All designs containing a form will show a “Sync to app” button within the design thumbnail card. It’s recommended to sync your designs using this method.
You may also connect multiple app integrations to one design (limit one list per app).
Should you need to pass information to multiple lists within the same app, you can drag an additional "Sync the app" step into your workflow.

3. Click on the Sync to App button and you will be shown all the apps you have authenticated to use in Justuno. From there you can select your app of choice (i.e. Klaviyo), and click Add.

4. From here, select the subscriber list where you want to send any leads captured and associated data. You will have predefined properties which sync with the app automatically, and you can also add other Justuno properties you would like to be used in your apps.

5. Once you are done with this, you can click Save, and your lead capture design will now instantly sync all leads collected in this design with the specified lists in your marketing automation app.