Conditions: Understanding Channels

In this Justuno support article, we'll describe the logic behind the Channels conditions to help you better understand and use them.

At a glance:


Direct channel

Organic Search channel

Social channel

Referral channel

Display channel

Other Advertising channel

Email channel

Affiliate channel

Other channel


Justuno allows you to use triggers and conditions within the workflow builder and audience segments sections. Channels, or the platforms your visitors reach your website from, are available as a condition selection. Each channel contains logic of it's own to calculate a respective origin for each of your visitors, usually based on source, utm_mediums, and a few other nuanced tracking parameters and logic stored in our embed code and profile properties.

1. Direct, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via a direct channel.

A visitor's channel is considered direct if any of the following are true:

  • Source keyword is "direct"
  • Medium keyword is not set or given.

2. Organic Search, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via organic search.

A visitor's channel is considered organic search when any of the following are true:

  • the medium keyword is "organic".

3. Paid, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via a paid channel

A visitor's channel is considered paid if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • ppc
  • cpc
  • paid search
  • paid

4. Social, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via social media

A visitor's channel is considered social if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • Social
  • social-network
  • social-media
  • sm
  • social network

👍  Referrals vs. Sources  with social media channels

Channel will also be considered social if medium=”referral” and source matches any of the following (channel is in this case considered “social” instead of referral if the sources matches known social media websites):

  • Facebook (aka Meta)
  • instagram
  • tiktok
  • youtube
  • vimeo
  • linkedin
  • twitter (aka X)
  • Snapchat
  • whatsapp
  • pinterest
  • tumblr
  • reddit
  • quora
  • medium
  • flickr
  • vk
  • bizsugar
  • mix
  • digg
  • viber
  • wechat
  • mastadon
  • gab
  • minds
  • truthsocial

5. Referral, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via a referral source

A visitor's channel is considered referral if any of the following are true:

  • If medium contains literally “referral” AND source does not match any social network keywords listed in the Social category

6. Other Advertising, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via another advertising source

A visitor's channel is considered other advertising if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • cpv
  • cpp
  • cpa
  • content-text

7. Display, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via display advertising source

A visitor's channel is considered display if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • display
  • cpm
  • banner

8. Email, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via email click through.

A visitor's channel is considered email if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • email

9. Affiliate, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via affiliate marketing source

A visitor's channel is considered affiliate if the medium contains any of the following terms:

  • affiliate

10. Other, i.e. visitors arriving to your site via unknown source.

A visitor's channel is considered other if the medium contains any terms that is not listed in any of the above categories: