Event and Audience Conditions

In this Justuno support article, we will cover the available conditions organized under the Events & Audiences category in the workflow builder and Segments section.

At a glance:

Last update: 8/1/2023


When building workflows and segments, Justuno allows you to use triggers and conditions to both initiate the workflow (Enrollment trigger), and to create different branches for your visitors based on their behaviors (if/then step). These conditions have been organized into categories, along with a Popular conditions category, with prebuilt condition sets to efficiently build triggers based on common use cases.

Event & Audience Conditions

Below are the individual conditions based on how a visitor has interacted with Justuno (i.e. an Event) and what profile data may already be known about them (Profile properties).


Allows for enrolling or conditionally splitting visitors based on whether they have or have not seen a design(s).

Button Click

Allows for enrolling or conditionally splitting visitors based on whether they have or have not clicked an element on a design(s).

Design Close

Allows for enrolling or conditionally splitting visitors based on whether they have or have not closed a design(s).

Profile and form properties

Allows for enrolling or conditionally splitting visitors based on whether a profile property has been updated recently, or is otherwise known or unknown about them.

⚡ Power Tip

This is one of our most useful conditions - use this if you want to enroll visitors whose email address or phone number (properties) are unknown, or even have been updated (i.e. they submitted a form) in this workflow!


Allows for enrolling or conditionally splitting visitors based on whether they belong to a specific segment.

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