Managing Profile Properties

In this article, we will cover what profile properties are, how they are used in Justuno and synced with apps, and how custom properties can be created.

At a glance:
Introduction to properties
Profile property types
Collecting & syncing data
Creating & editing custom properties

Introduction: Properties

Justuno automatically builds profiles of all visitors on an installed website, which can then be found in the Audience section. These profiles contain properties, or data, known about that visitor. Property data is collected from both form fields (zero-party data), along with cookies and other available browser data (first party data), and is what powers Justuno’s triggers and segmentation capabilities.

Profile Property Types

Certain Justuno properties cannot be edited, removed, or otherwise managed by the user, while others have increased or limitless configuration options. Below are the types of properties you will see when viewing the properties table.

  • System generated: created by Justuno and have three permission types:
    • Read only: neither property values (in visitor’s profile) or configuration can be edited.
    • Read-write: property values can be manually edited in visitor profiles, but property configuration cannot be edited.
    • Read-write-edit: both property values (in visitor profiles) and property configuration can be edited.
  • User generated: created by the user and all come with read-write-edit permissions.

Editing properties that are currently in designs
When creating or editing an existing single or multi-select property, any designs using this property will dynamically show the updated values. Be sure to double check these designs to ensure your layout has not been adversely affected by the change in the number of options for the end-user. 

Input types

To meet a variety of use cases and to maximize flexibility, various input types are available that correspond with supported html inputs. Note that when using a specific input, that input UI can be changed to another input type that matches the data format, i.e. a radio button list can be converted into a single select dropdown. Available property types are as follows:

  • Single line text
  • Number
  • Radio button
  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • Single-select
  • Multi-select

Collecting and syncing data

First party data: Justuno drops a first party cookie on each browser session that lands on a website where Justuno is installed, allowing for the collection of data made available in the browser. The corresponding properties are all system-generated with varying permissions, i.e. geo-location, pages viewed, original source url, etc.
Zero party data: collected when visitors directly submit information via form fields in Justuno designs, i.e. email address, sms, name, address, and more. 

Syncing data to third party apps

Justuno acts as the central data source, collecting zero and first party data and building visitor profiles. These properties can all be synced directly to corresponding properties in third party apps, such as an email service provider, marketing automation, database, or even a simple spreadsheet.

✔️ Note for syncing data to marketing automation apps
Most email service providers and marketing automation platforms require contact information, such as an email address or phone number, to be present in order to sync profile properties.

To sync properties to marketing automation apps:

  1. Ensure you have an email address and/or phone number field present in your design
  2. Add the design to a workflow.
  3. Within the design step, click the button that says Sync To App.

    Note: If you don’t see this button, ensure your submit button in the design has a click action to submit form.
  4. If you have not done so already, you will be prompted to authenticate your desired app. This can also be done in Account settings > Apps > Add app.

    When syncing data via a webhook, you will be prompted to activate the http client app - this is a simple one-click activation..
  5. After authentication, you can select a list for new contacts to be subscribed to, and you will see a list of additional properties that have automatically been synced based on the integration. From here, you can choose to sync additional properties along with the new contact, including custom properties you have created (read below).

⚡ Tip for custom html forms

You can also use a custom html form to sync contact info and associated properties to any desired endpoint. Once you copy/paste the form into the custom form area, note there are no auto-synced properties, though you can manually sync inputs from your custom form to existing Justuno properties.

✔️ Note for form resubmissions
For identified visitors (email or phone number is already known) who submit a form via Justuno, all data except contact information will be updated in the profile properties. Any new email addresses or phone numbers associated with an existing identified profile will be added to the profile with all known contact information visible.

Read more about syncing Justuno with third party apps here.

Custom properties

✔️ Note for Free & Lite users

This feature is only available on our Flex and Enterprise plans.

Justuno provides a list of default, system-generated properties most applicable to digital marketing teams. There are many cases, however, where custom properties are needed to build form fields to gather industry-specific data about website visitors, i.e. shopping preferences. 

Creating & editing custom properties

To create a custom property, go to Audience > Properties > Create Property. From there, select the input type that matches the desired data format, the property name, it’s “group” (used internally for property organization), and fill out any additional details. 

Once saved, this property is now ready to be used in Justuno designs. Go to the desired design, and drag in a new form element. You will be prompted to connect it to your existing property. Configure and style your property in the design, then publish. If the design is already a part of an active workflow, the changes will be immediately reflected on the website.

✔️ Using customizable properties in your designs

When creating or editing properties, you may see an option to add an image to your property values. These images are used in the Ask A Question design layer when Picture Choice is selected.