This article will cover general information on Email and SMS app activity logs.
Justuno provide logs for each of your connected Email/SMS marketing service integrations. The logs provide a great view of all the data sent to and received from the connected integration. We also track the activities for custom webhooks if you have any set up.
These logs can be accessed in the Account Settings > Apps > My Apps > Click on the ... button for an App > Activity Logs. The logs show all the data that Justuno is sending over to the integration's service, i.e. email, profile properties, etc. It also provides the exact response from the integration's service for all HTTP requests that the integration send.
Justuno logs the subscribe event from the moment the customer submits a form to when we get a response from the ESP/SMS service. You will typically see a log for each status of the journey for handling the subscribe event. The typical status from start to finish is Queued, Processing, Success. If any error occurs during Processing, then you'll see the record marked as Retrying. For more information on statuses, continue reading.
Note: Justuno will pass data (email, phone, etc.) to your connected app within 30 seconds of forms being submitted.
- Queued - the subscribe event or form submission has been recorded and is waiting to be processed
- Processing - the task to process the queue and retry queue is currently processing the record to send information to the integration
- Success - successful processing of the subscribe event or form submission
- Retrying - complete or partial failure of processing the subscribe event or form submission
- Failed - failed processing the event after 5 retry attempts
Note: The retry queue will attempt the 1st retry for a failed attempt 15 minutes after the initial form submission. The 2nd retry will be 1 hour after, 3rd retry will be 4 hours after, 4th retry will be 24 hours after, and finally the 5th retry will be 48 hours after.
Viewing a subscribe event log
The logs are ordered by time from present to past. You'll be able to see a variety of IDs related to the subscribe event. You'll also see the workflow title that is associated with the event.
The most helpful view can be seen by clicking on the See Description button on the right of every log.
You'll be presented with two columns, one column showing a json representation of the request, i.e. data that is shaped for sending to the integration. Another column will show a json representation of the response from the ESP/SMS service.
Viewing the request and response description
By viewing the request description, you can see what email, phone and any other profile properties are being sent to the ESP/SMS service. This is where you can ensure your workflow setup is working as intended. Are all the fields you've set up in the workflow accounted for? You can answer that by observing the request description.
The response is a description of the response from the ESP/SMS service.This column will only be populated in logs that have the status of success, retrying, or failure. This response data is a great way to test your workflow step up end to end, because you will be able see the exact error message or the success message from your tests.
Every integration response description is different but Justuno has set up the responses to always list the requests that are sent in processing the subscribe event. This will typically give us information on why a subscribe event failed or if it's successful. Each item in the list will always have the following 3 fields:
- context - this tells you the name or description of the API endpoint that Justuno sends a request to
- status_code - this tells you the HTTP status code response from the API endpoint
- raw_response_string - this is the direct response from the API endpoint
Here are some general rules on making sense of the response
Some integration responses will be only have 1 item, while others may have many items in the list of responses.
The important ones to look for are the ones with a context name containing create, subscribe, or update something along the lines of the creation of data. These items would be the actual request that pushes data into the connected integration.
Status codes that are in the 200s are typically good, and 400s or 500s are generally bad but not always.
If you can't make sense of the responses please reach out to support via live chat or by submitting a ticket. It is helpful if you can include a screenshot of the responses in question.
The main takeaway here is to remember that the request data is what Justuno is sending for the subscribe event to the ESP/SMS service, and the response data is the ESP/SMS service is telling Justuno what successes or failures happened for the subscribe event.
Using the search bar
You can search for emails, phones, any text for a partial or complete match in the logs. This is incredibly useful if you are looking for a specific email or phone for any reason, testing, debugging, etc.