Workflow Builder: Actions & Settings

This Justuno support article is an overview of the available actions and settings available to help build your workflows.

On This Page:
Workflow settings & enrollment
Add steps: If/then branches, designs, multivariate tests
Update steps: Sync to app, enroll in workflow, update segment & profile
Edit steps: Delay, connect to ste, webhooks, & custom code

Last update: 1/13/2023


Actions, or steps, add elements to your website experience, update data about visitors, or edit their flow through the experience. Each of these steps contain settings to give you full capability over the automation you're setting up, along with general workflow settings that govern how and when the workflow operates.

Workflow Settings & Enrollment

Enrollment triggers
These are the triggers that define the audience that will be entered, or enrolled, into the workflow. These cannot include branches since all visitors that meet these conditions will only have one resulting action - being enrolled in the workflow.

Enrollment settings
Along with naming renaming your workflow, you can configure re-enrollment, suppression, and even scheduling workflow actions.

1. Re-enrollment frequency: if the visitor qualifies for the enrollment trigger, should Justuno re-enroll them to this workflow once per page load, once per session, or not at all?
2. Workflow action scheduling: should visitors always run through this workflow, or should this workflow only execute it's actions at scheduled times?
3. Unenrollment & suppression: if a visitor is enrolled into this workflow, should Justuno keep them enrolled in all other workflows, specific workflows, or no other workflows?

⚡ Pro tip:

When running a simple workflow, like showing a banner to all visitors on every page, your re-enrollment frequency could be set to "once per page load". Additionally, if you're enrollment trigger only targets "new visitors", re-enrollment frequency will be ignored to favor the enrollment conditions. Read on for tips on creating workflows that utilize a combination of these methods.

Add steps: If/then branches, designs, and multivariate tests

If/Then Branches

These triggers split visitors into paths (or branches) based on the conditions defined in each branch. Multiple “if” branches can be created, and will retain visitors at this step until they meet the qualifying criteria to pass through, If/then branches are utilized anywhere in the workflow after the enrollment trigger and define the enrolled visitor’s path through the workflow. 

🤓 Notable notes:

When utilizing multiple "if" branches, our system will attempt to match the visitor from the first "if" branch, then the next, and so on, e.g. “first check if ‘X’, if not ‘X’ then check ‘Y’, if not ‘Y’ then ‘else’”. 


Designs that show on your website, such as pop ups, are configured within the Design Studio and are then published to your website via workflows.

Within the workflow builder, the design step offers quick links to preview, edit, or replace your design (use a saved design, create a new one, or import one), along with the following options:
 - Display types: should this design be presented as an overlay, or should it be embedded into website pages?
 - Advancing event: by default, closing the design will move visitors past the design step. You can also specify an additional action (i.e. form submission) that will advance visitors.
 - Repeat previous if/then: when selected, visitors will continuously be cycled back on each page load to the previous if/then step before the design to determine re-qualification. These visitors will only be advanced once the specified advancing event occurs.

🤓 Notable notes:

In most cases, you will specify an advancing event and repeat the previous if/then branch in order to show a design on every page, such as a paywall age verification, or a banner that you'd like to show on each page. This option works well if you wish to cycle visitors through a certain section of your workflow, as opposed to re-enrolling them at the beginning - this happens when your re-enrollment is set to once per page load, or perhaps once per session.

👍 Syncing form design data to your apps: You'll see all designs that contain a form will show a "Sync to app" button within the design step. We recommend syncing your form designs to your integrated apps from this button instead of using the separate sync to app step.

Multivariate Test

A/B and multivariate tests are run within workflows, initiated by the multivariate step being dragged into the desired branch of the workflow. Within the test settings, you can select as many variants as desired. Variants can include any number or combinations of designs, if/then branches, and other workflow actions to create flexible testing scenarios, such as testing a single pop up against many pop ups, or certain audiences against each other. Here's how to get started:

1. Drag the Multivariate test step into your desired workflow branch

2. Create your test path(s) by specifying a number of variants you'd like to test, then filling each path with the desired steps
3. Complete the set up options by choosing a goal for the test, specifying variant weight (if not even), test schedule, and which variant you'd like visitors to pass through before the test begins.

⚡ Pro tip

While creating paths allows you to test full experiences and audience segments against one another, doing so will significantly increase the time to statistical confidence in your results, especially if this workflow is not receiving a lot of traffic.

Update Steps: Sync to app, enroll in workflow, update segments & profiles

Sync to app

Justuno allows you to sync data collected from our app throughout various points in the workflow. As mentioned earlier in the article, there are two methods of initiating a sync data with a third party:

1. Sync to app from a form design: syncs all data collected from a form design to the third party before advancing visitors to the next step

👍 This is the recommended method in most cases, especially when using a multistep form (email + sms), survey, or any design where the form is split among multiple frames.

2. Sync to app workflow step: waits until visitors land on the sync to app step in order to execute the sync

✋ This method is meant to be used with specific use cases where the sync to app button within the form design step is not a viable option.

Enroll in workflow

Once this step in the workflow is reached, visitors will be automatically enrolled in the specified workflow. If this step is the last in it's branch, visitors will also be unenrolled from the current workflow.

Update segment

Once this step in the workflow is reached, visitors will be added to one of your segments,

Update profile

Once this step is reached, visitors' specified profile property will be manually updated by the value you specify in the step settings.

🤓 Notable notes:

In most cases, visitors are automatically added to segments, and their properties are automatically updated by Justuno's zero and first party data collection and profile building. By adding these respective steps to your workflow, you are indicating you want to manually update those properties and/or segments.

Edit Steps: Delay, Connect to step, Webhook, and Custom code


This step will delay visitors from proceeding to the next step in the workflow for the specified amount of time.

Connect to step

This step allows you to connect one step of a workflow branch to another step in a separate branch, funneling qualifying visitors to an entirely separate branch of your workflow.

✋ You can only connect steps from two different branches together, and will be prevented from connecting steps that may result in an "endless loop" for your visitors, i.e. they continue to recycle through the same path repeatedly with no way to pass through.


Once this step is reached, you can fire an automated request to an outside service, such as posting survey details to a custom database, or submitting a form to a .xslx file. You can fire four different requests from this step:

  • Post - Sends data to a server to create or update a resource (ie: sync JU with Shopify email API)
  • Put - update data on a server 
  • Get - Requests information from a specific resource.
  • Delete - Deletes a specific resource

🤓 Want to use a custom html form?

If you are syncing your form designs to a third party integration via webhook, you can select the Custom Embed option (from the Sync To App button in the design step), then paste your form and sync your form's inputs with the corresponding Justuno properties.

Custom code

This step allows you to fire custom javascript or css once visitors reach this step, and it has far-reaching use cases and effects that we cover in this article about using custom code within Justuno. Much can be done, but Justuno only verifies basic syntax, and will not test any functions of the code you have written.